Waste bins

Waste sorting bins Sortaider offer stylish and practical solutions for both indoor and outdoor settings. All waste bins are weather-resistant, making them suitable in various sizes for both office and home use. The containers range from 10 to 90 liters depending on need, and their diverse designs provide versatile functional and aesthetic options.

  • Waste sorting bins Sortaider is a practical solution with a 30-90 liter container, featuring a dedicated compartment for storing extra bags for quick and easy bag changes, and wheels for convenient transport. Different sized modules can also be connected based on waste volume requirements.
  • Waste bins Sorta is a 60-90 liter solution ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. The waste bin is easy to disassemble, making Sorta simple to store and transport.
  • Waste bins Sorta and Waste paper bins Sorta are 10-20 liters and available with or without lids based on user preference. They are also easy to disassemble and come with a durable bag attachment frame, making Sorta reliable and user-friendly.
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Container W4 prügisorteerimisjaam on disainitud olema atraktiivne ja intuitiivne, motiveerides kasutajat lihtsalt jäätmeid sorteerima.

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